Canadian Chinchilla Rescue Christmas Donations

Zoey and Lilo's Toy Box


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Here you will find prepicked packages for donations going to the Canadian Chinchilla Rescue in Mississauga, Ontario. The retail price (in brackets) is higher than the donation cost.

***Any orders made with these items WILL BE DONATED TO THE RESCUE. These packages are not for personal orders. Use code "SHIP2CCR" to remove shipping costs for donations. Again, this is not eligible for personal orders. Any orders using this code will be shipped to the rescue. ***

$15 CCR Christmas Donation Package #1 includes:

1x fleece hammock (10.99)
1x Crunchy Corsage Toy (4.99)
1lb Oxbow Chinchilla Pellets (2.99)

$25 CCR Christmas Donation Package #2 includes:

1x fleece hammock (10.99)
1x Crunchy Corsage Toy (4.99)
5lb Oxbow Chinchilla Pellets (14.95)

$50 CCR Christmas Donation Package #3 includes:

1x fleece hammock (10.99)
1x Crunchy Corsage Toy (4.99)
15lb Oxbow Chinchilla Pellets (44.85)

$60 CCR Christmas Donation Package #4 includes:
1x fleece hammock (10.99)
25lb Oxbow Chinchilla Pellets (59.99)

$100 CCR Christmas Donation Package #5 includes:
1x fleece hammock (10.99)
50lb Oxbow Timothy Hay (99.99)